Raised $135,000+ over the past 11 years.
Your donations go to help the Chico Animal Shelters' medical fund.
Thank you! We raised $30,000 this year for the Chico Animal Shelter!
11 years as one of Chico’s
best events
We have had over 3000 participants, 250 volunteers, and 60 sponsors join us in the most fun way to raise funds for the most needy animals in the county.
The annual Walk Woof Wag dog festival and walk is a fun day for dogs and their owners to enjoy a myriad of activities, games, and treats together in Chico's beautiful Lower Bidwell Park. The event always takes place toward the end of October, when the weather is mild and the park is lovely. Offerings usually include the 'Simon Says Woof' group tricks game, booths with games and crafting stations for dogs and humans of all ages, a doggie costume contest with local celebrity judges, a photo booth with professional pet photographers, an impressive raffle basket table, and to wrap it all up a big group dog-walk through the park. This event is unlike any other in Chico, and long-time participants say it's one of their favorite days of the year.
Mark your calendar for next year’s event:
Saturday, October 11, 2025 from 9 am to noon at Lower Bidwell Park - Sycamore Field

Support the event.
An event like Walk Woof Wag takes a team to make it such a huge success for 11 years running. Thanks to The Canine Connection, North Valley Community Foundation, and Friends of the Chico Animal Shelter, the event continues every year and brings in thousand of critical donations for the Chico Animal Shelter’s medical fund. Please help support the event by attending, volunteering, sponsoring or giving a donation.

Want to Help Save Lives?
You can make a year-round impact by donating to help the animals in greatest need.